Tuesday, April 30, 2024

How far back does a hair follicle test detect drugs?

can a hair follicle test go back 12 months

Our extensive network offers your employees convenient access to a Labcorp collection site. Drug testing is becoming an increasingly important component of safety, security and operations across many industries. For professional and commercial transport, it’s an especially crucial component, as both the safety of passengers and/or cargo are now also a part of the equation. Drug use for drivers, pilots and other vehicle operators can have tremendously negative effects on the road, the rail, or even in the air. In workplaces, drug use doesn’t just affect the individual user, it has a domino effect on work and the co-workers in the environment, affecting relationships and efficiency. The new 17-panel hair drug test is the most comprehensive drug test panel available in the United State.

can a hair follicle test go back 12 months

Panel Hair Test with Expanded Opiates

Many insurance carriers cover drug tests if it’s performed within a hospital for medical purposes, like an inpatient stay or an emergency room visit. If you believe your hair drug test results are inaccurate, you may immediately request a retest from your employer. Your hair strand test might take place in a lab or within a hospital setting. Or your workplace may perform the test using a kit that’s then mailed to a laboratory. People currently taking prescription medications should share this information with their employer or test administrator. Hair follicle tests can detect the presence of some prescription medications, which can lead to a false-positive result.

Hair Drug Testing Facts and Myths Infographic

A hair follicle test can detect whether you have used certain types of drugs at any point during the last 90 days, according to a study in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. However, this drug test does not reveal how often you used those drugs during that time frame. When a test is inconclusive, the entire body of data, including known history of drug use or prescription medication use, is reviewed in the context of clinical addiction medication. The goal is to determine whether or not you've been using drugs and to what extent. During the test, the technician or collector will cut approximately 100 to 120 hair samples from the crown of your head.

Can the test identify the date of drug use?

This requires a delicate balance of ingredients that can penetrate deep without damaging the hair structure. Once the shampoo reaches the cortex, it works to dissolve and wash away the metabolites embedded within it. By adhering to Mike’s Macujo Method, users engage in a targeted detoxification process that extends beyond superficial cleaning. This method ensures the removal of toxins from within the hair shaft. Moreover, the inclusion of aloe vera and other conditioning agents ensures that the hair maintains its health and moisture. This aspect is crucial, as detox processes can often lead to dryness and damage, compromising hair appearance.

Prescription oral medications

Although the Schneider trucking company pioneered the use of hair follicle drug testing in the workplace, the test has been increasingly adopted by other companies and industries. Despite the testing evidence, there are many concerns and misconceptions about these important tests that employers must address. While a urine test typically has a detection time frame of 2-5 days, a hair follicle test can detect drug use as far back as 90 days. For this reason, it is considered a more reliable indicator of drug use than urine testing. Hair follicle tests are also more tamper-proof and tend to hold up more often in court.

Some of these companies include JB Hunt, C. R. England, Schneider Trucking, Swift Transportation, Shell Oil, and others. These companies cite safety and the large investment required as their motivation for conducting hair drug testing in addition to required DOT urine drug testing. Whereas urine drug tests can detect recent drug use, hair follicle drug tests have a much larger window of detection. This allows persistent drug use to be detected along with more isolated instances of drug use. Research has shown that urine testing can better pick up cannabis, heroin/opioids, benzodiazepines, and methadone, but hair drug tests are better at picking up cocaine. In one study researchers compared hair follicle drug test results in people who admitted their drug use, so they could verify the test gave a positive result.

What if a person has no hair on their head?

Iowa mom 'lost trust' in hospital after 'positive' drug test battle - Des Moines Register

Iowa mom 'lost trust' in hospital after 'positive' drug test battle.

Posted: Wed, 03 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

This rumor tends to get spread because it’s a simple, round number that clearly shows the difference between hair and urine tests. A pre-employment hair follicle test can contribute additional data to the background check process. Because hair drug testing has a broad detection range, it can provide a more detailed snapshot of a candidate’s substance use patterns than other drug tests. It’s been discovered that metabolites that are deposited in hair follicles have a much longer lifespan.

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Your hair grows at a rate of about one-half inch per month from the scalp. The standard 1.5-inch sample taken near the root provides a snapshot of drug use over the past 90 days. In people who did not admit to drug use, urine testing was more effective at picking up cannabis and benzodiazepines, and hair testing was better at detecting cocaine and oxycodone. While secondhand smoke is inhaled, there is not enough of the substance that causes the "high" (THC) in secondhand smoke to cause you to fail a drug test.

can a hair follicle test go back 12 months

There are some unknowns when it comes to hair follicle testing, and we are here to clean them up. Often called hair follicle drug test, the hair follicle is not actually tested. The metabolites of the drugs go into the hair follicle and then into the hair strands. The hair strands are cut as close to the scalp as possible for drug testing. There is also some concern regarding environmental exposure to drugs, such as second hand marijuana smoke, and how it can affect a hair follicle test. The hair follicle drug tests screen for the drug itself and the metabolites your body would produce if you ingested, or smoked, the drug.

A common misconception of a hair drug test is that the test requires a sample of the actual hair follicle. This would require the hair to be pulled from the scalp by its root. However, this is normally only required for genetic and DNA testing, according to NIH .

It can stay there 1 to 4 months, so in theory, head OR body hair can reveal drugs that go back further than 90 days, depending on the person. However, only 10 to 15 percent of your strands are in this dormant phase, so the risk is minimal. The anagen phase, lasting several years, is most relevant to drug testing because hair is actively growing and incorporating substances from the bloodstream. Since the standard test analyzes 1.5 inches of hair, it predominantly assesses drug use during the most recent anagen phase. The Schneider hair follicle drug test is an important tool in any company’s screening toolkit. It helps ensure the safety of employees and the public by keeping drug abusers out of the workplace – particularly those in safety-sensitive positions, like commercial vehicle drivers.

Low-dose oral minoxidil (prescribed off-label) has been found to be effective and safe for most patients, Mirmirani says. Other oft-used drugs include finasteride (Propecia) and spironolactone. If you have scarring alopecia or alopecia areata, your doctor may recommend an anti-inflammatory medication such as the JAK inhibitor Olumiant (baricitinib) to help tamp down your immune system. If you often wear a hairstyle like braids or a tight bun that puts prolonged strain or stress on the hair follicle, that can cause a type of permanent hair loss called traction alopecia. Male-pattern hair loss is what causes a receding hairline and baldness in men.

If the result is positive, a second test called gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (CG-MS) is performed to confirm the result. The CG-MS is a different method of testing for substances and can confirm a positive result from the ELISA test. One of the benefits of follicle drug tests is that they can show whether someone used or abused drugs as far back as three months before the test. By contrast, scarring alopecia, another autoimmune disease that causes hair loss, is often accompanied by itchiness, tenderness and scaling of the scalp.

What Is a Hair Follicle Drug Test?

can a hair follicle test go back 12 months

Scarring alopecia is the most devastating type of hair loss, Mirmirani says, because it permanently destroys the hair follicles. ” stirs curiosity, the real focus should be on ensuring your hair tells the right story today. Macujo offers a tried-and-true solution with its Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo, coupled with Mike’s Macujo Method, to effectively cleanse your hair of drug metabolites.

Does the hair follicle drug test work if I'm an infrequent user?

Therefore, a hair follicle test can be used to provide evidence of drug use over a 12 month period. If you are applying for a new job or dealing with a legal case, there’s a chance you might need to take a hair follicle test. This type of test involves examining your hair to see whether or not you have a history of drug usage, so it’s no surprise that it can feel stressful or invasive to some. Many people worry that hair follicle tests can detect drug use that happened months ago or identify drugs not found in urine tests.

can a hair follicle test go back 12 months

What can a hair test detect? How To Pass a Hair Drug Test

Always contact your healthcare provider directly with any questions you may have regarding your health or specific medical advice. About 80 percent of the prescription drugs Americans take year are genericversions,... Because lab results are confidential health information, you’ll need to sign a release before the results are passed on to your workplace. People who shave their entire bodies may not be able to provide a usable sample of hair. It can only show whether a substance has been used within the past 90 days.

can a hair follicle test go back 12 months

How do I pass my hair follicle drug test?

Hair follicle drug tests involve removing a small hair sample for laboratory testing. Results can show if a person has been using certain drugs or prescription medications in the previous 3 months. While hair follicle tests are powerful, the idea that they can accurately track drug use for a full year is more myth than reality. The standard window of detection is much closer to three months, which is still plenty of time for those substances to show up. Urine tests are the least expensive option for determining drug use over a 12 month period.

At-home hair follicle drug test kits are available for purchase online and over-the-counter at a variety of retailers. Some at-home hair follicle drug tests look for only one type of drug while others offer test panels that look for several drugs at once. Hair follicle drug testing has a longer window of detection than other types of drug tests. While drug use and misuse may not appear in the hair until 7 to 10 days after drug exposure, once it enters the hair it remains for weeks, months, or even years.

What do the results mean?

All of our tests are analyzed by certified labs like LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics. Hair follicle tests are also always reviewed by a certified MRO (Medical Review Officer) before the results are released. If an initial screening yields non-negative results, then they will undergo additional Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) confirmation testing. This allows individuals that may be legitimately taking prescription medication a chance to provide authorized proof to our doctors. As long as the individual takes the medication in accordance with the prescribed dosage, then the final report will list the result as a “negative”. Although it is still fairly new technology, hair testing is very effective as long as it is administered by a properly trained technician.

A Black family fights to get their kids back from Tennessee Department of Children's Services • Tennessee Lookout - Tennessee Lookout

A Black family fights to get their kids back from Tennessee Department of Children's Services • Tennessee Lookout.

Posted: Thu, 16 Mar 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This guide presents an in-depth look at hair follicle drug testing, its importance for employers, and how it compares to other testing methods like urine drug tests, saliva drug tests, and blood tests. In general, standard hair drug tests typically have a detection window of up to 90 days, or about three months. When a drug is consumed it leaves behind trace remnants known as “metabolites” in the blood stream that then become deposited in various portions of our physiology. These metabolites, however, have a lifespan for the period in which they remain detectable to certain testing methods and scientific instruments.

Therefore, hair from a couple of years ago isn’t going to have drug metabolites from the drugs you took a month ago. Once metabolites end up in your hair, a lot of lifestyle changes affect how long these metabolites last. Hair treatments like bleaching or perming your hair can affect drug testing, and even the shampoos you use will affect how long drug metabolites last. The amount you sweat, how dark your hair is, and how oily your hair naturally is can all affect the amount of drug metabolites in your hair. Even though these tests are commonly referred to as “hair follicle tests,” hair follicles are not used in the test and hair does not need to be plucked to be tested.

Our attorneys are experienced in all aspects of family law and will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you have the information you need to make wise decisions and prepare for the future. This dual function ensures that the detox process does not leave the hair brittle, dry, or damaged. It encompasses a series of pre-wash and rinse steps that adjust the pH level of the hair, encouraging the cuticle to open further.

However, in most cases, it can be very hard to dictate how people care for their hair. By the time a hair follicle test is ordered, a person may have cut their hair or treated it in a way that makes it harder to detect drug metabolites. One challenge we see with hair drug testing is the training of hair drug specimen collectors.

Positive test results indicate that a drug or its metabolite was detected in the sample of hair submitted for testing. Results of hair follicle drug testing are generally available within a few business days after the laboratory receives the sample. Processing times vary, so patients may find it helpful to ask their doctor or the laboratory when to expect results. The cost of hair follicle drug testing depends on where a sample is collected, the type of hair follicle drug test ordered, and who is paying for testing.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Rep Liz Harris expelled from Arizona's House of Representatives

liz harris arizona house

Harris told The Washington Post ahead of the vote, "I didn't lie and God knows the truth. The truth will come out." Harris did not speak on her own behalf as the House voted to expel her. Only after the House adjourned did a handful of her supporters in the gallery speak out, shouting "shame on you, shame, shame, shame." The desk used by Arizona Republican Rep. Liz Harris at the state Capitol in Phoenix stands empty moments after she was expelled from the Legislature on Wednesday. “The actions of Representatives Ortiz and De Los Santos did not come close to what transpired on Capitol Hill that day. The not-so-subtle effort to equate the two is disgusting,” Barton wrote.

Arizona House expels GOP lawmaker who presented unproven accusations

Ethics Chairman Rep. Joe Chaplik, R-Scottsdale, led the investigation and report conducted for Harris. He said he thought it was appropriate Ethics members make their own decision on the vote to expel Harris and was the only Ethics member who voted against expelling her. In a report released Tuesday, the House Ethics Committee says it also found that Harris, a freshman Republican lawmaker from Chandler, later lied when claiming she had no idea that the witness would make such wild accusations. That was problematic enough to merit the ethics investigation and expulsion, according to House Speaker Ben Toma — a Republican, and one of the lawmakers falsely accused of criminal activity.

GOP lawmakers call to ‘gut’ university funding after controversial event at ASU

The precinct committee members will then vote, within five business days, to nominate three qualified candidates to replace the lawmaker. The board of supervisors from the county where the departing lawmaker lives will select the new lawmaker from that group. Specifically, Harris brought a guest to a public hearing who made unvetted accusations that officeholders, Mesa City Council members and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were part of a drug cartel's "bribery" scheme. She also lied to the Ethics Committee about whether she knew her guest would make those accusations, the investigation found. House members expelled Harris on a bipartisan vote of (with one Democrat home sick and not voting).

Expelled GOP lawmaker fails to regain Arizona House seat - The Associated Press

Expelled GOP lawmaker fails to regain Arizona House seat.

Posted: Fri, 05 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Harris expelled following controversial presentation at state legislature

The swing state has been a hotbed of election denialism and unsuccessful Republican lawsuits contesting results, including a legal action by Kari Lake, who has refused to accept her November defeat in the governor’s race. Representative Liz Harris was ousted from her seat by the G.O.P.-controlled House for promoting conspiracy theories during a legislative hearing. Republican and Democratic representatives joined together to expel Harris with a vote. The last expulsion from the Arizona legislature was in 2018, though before that, the most recent was in 1991. A Republican, she was a member of the Arizona House of Representatives from January 2023 to April 2023. Harris was elected in November 2022 from the 13th legislative district, which includes much of Chandler, Arizona.

Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman on the Supreme Court, has died at age 93

After the chair receives that notice, the chair or a designee must inform the precinct committee members in the departing lawmaker's district of the vacancy. Harris was elected by voters in Legislative District 13, which includes much of Chandler and part of Gilbert. “The defamatory allegations that Representative Harris invited her guest speaker to make are patently absurd, but there are many people who believe them. They believe the lies, and they continue to threaten retribution because we dispute them," Cano said. "They believe those lies because a State Representative, Liz Harris, platformed and legitimized them in a televised legislative hearing." Before she was elected to the Legislature, Harris led a door-to-door canvassing effort searching for proof of fraud following the 2020 presidential election. Department of Justice’s civil rights division, which warned about potential voter intimidation.

The Arizona House expels a Republican lawmaker for her role in baseless testimony

Its purpose is to inform voters about the legislator’s political positions. Because scorecards have varying purposes and methodologies, each report should be considered on its own merits. For example, an advocacy group’s scorecard may assess a legislator’s voting record on one issue while a state newspaper’s scorecard may evaluate the voting record in its entirety. Breger also claimed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “control[s]” government agencies and was “integral to the laundering activities,” the report said.

This is what it took for Arizona Republicans to expel an election denier

liz harris arizona house

All Democrats and about half of Republicans voted to expel Harris in a vote. She’s the first lawmaker to be expelled in Arizona since Rep. Don Shooter was kicked out for sexual misconduct amid the 2018 #MeToo movement. Rep. David Stringer quit the following year after old sex crimes charges came to light that likely would have led to his expulsion. The vote against Harris comes less than a week after Tennessee Republicans voted to expel two black Democrats, a decision that made that state a new front in the battle for the future of American democracy. But the Arizona vote did not carry the same partisan and racial overtones, with widespread and bipartisan condemnation for Harris’s actions.

Alongside Harris and Chaplik, the Republicans who voted against it include Reps. Neal Carter, David Cook, Gail Griffin, Justin Heap, Rachel Jones, Alexander Kolodin, Cory McGarr, Barbara Parker, Jacqueline Parker, Kevin Payne and Austin Smith. Livingston said his vote to expel Harris wasn’t personal, but it was standing up for the integrity of the institution of the House. The Arizona House of Representatives voted Wednesday to expel Rep. Liz Harris, R-Chandler. "It sets a bad precedent because it says we're going to expel members for playing shell games and hiding the ball. Well, start expelling members for that, there would only be a few occupied seats down here," said State Rep. Alexander Kolodin.

State House Speaker: Expulsion was necessary

Breger, an insurance agent from Scottsdale, attributed her allegations to a report written by John Thaler, who she said was an attorney with a background in fraud investigations. The full chamber vote came a day after the House Ethics Committee released a report that said Harris damaged “the integrity of the House” through her actions. PHOENIX (AP) — Republican lawmaker Liz Harris who was previously expelled will not be sent back to the Arizona House of Representatives, Maricopa County officials announced Friday. Steele is precinct committee member for the district who was among the signers of a March 28 resolution by GOP district officials in support of Harris for "her commitment to Election Integrity, and her efforts to expose corruption on whichever side of the aisle it falls."

Harris' expulsion came less than a week after Tennessee Republicans voted to expel two black Democrats, a decision that made that state a new front in the battle for the future of American democracy. But the Arizona vote did not carry the same partisan and racial overtones. Instead, there was widespread and bipartisan condemnation for Harris’ actions.

The Republican-controlled Arizona House of Representatives voted to expel one of their own Wednesday morning, a day after a report found now-former Rep. Liz Harris committed "disorderly behavior" in inviting a speaker who spread a baseless election conspiracy theory. Harris organized a daylong hearing of the House and Senate elections committees in February. At the end, a Scottsdale insurance agent, Jacqueline Breger, gave a 40-minute presentation alleging without reliable evidence that two women working on behalf of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel used fraudulent mortgage documents to launder money to a range of officials. The committee’s report said Harris knew the person she invited to a legislative hearing in February would accuse her colleagues of criminal activity, that she took steps to hide it from House leaders ahead of time and then misled the committee investigating her actions. Rep. Liz Harris, a prominent supporter of discredited election conspiracies, was kicked out of the Legislature in a bipartisan vote after the presentation by an Arizona insurance agent.

Republican Liz Harris is expelled from the Arizona state House : NPR

liz harris arizona house

De Los Santos and Ortiz also interrupted a press conference that Rep. Matt Gress, R-Phoenix, held with reporters after the House adjourned on April 10. Barton didn’t dispute his clients disrupted the press conference to speak in opposition to the “delay tactics” of the abortion ban repeal from Republicans but did so while the House was no longer in session. Reach Roberts at  Follow her on X, formerly Twitter, at @LaurieRoberts or on Threads at @laurierobertsaz.

Arizona House expels QAnon conspiracy theorist Liz Harris - MSNBC

Arizona House expels QAnon conspiracy theorist Liz Harris.

Posted: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Arizona House expels a Republican lawmaker for her role in baseless testimony

The swing state has been a hotbed of election denialism and unsuccessful Republican lawsuits contesting results, including a legal action by Kari Lake, who has refused to accept her November defeat in the governor’s race. Representative Liz Harris was ousted from her seat by the G.O.P.-controlled House for promoting conspiracy theories during a legislative hearing. Republican and Democratic representatives joined together to expel Harris with a vote. The last expulsion from the Arizona legislature was in 2018, though before that, the most recent was in 1991. A Republican, she was a member of the Arizona House of Representatives from January 2023 to April 2023. Harris was elected in November 2022 from the 13th legislative district, which includes much of Chandler, Arizona.

Information about voting

In addition, they said Harris lied when she claimed she had no idea Breger would say what she did. As a result, the ethics panel found that Harris violated House rule number one, which prohibits disorderly behavior that could damage the House’s institutional integrity. “To go down a trail of conspiracy theories that were thrown out of court, it’s very dangerous,” Stahl Hamilton said. PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) — The Arizona House voted Wednesday to expel Rep. Liz Harris (R-District 13) for violating ethics rules. The House needed a two-thirds vote to expel Harris and they got more than that as 18 of 31 Republicans joined the 28 Democrats on the floor in voting for expulsion.

Liz Harris claims she didn't do anything wrong by inviting person to air wild conspiracy theory - Arizona Mirror

Liz Harris claims she didn't do anything wrong by inviting person to air wild conspiracy theory.

Posted: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Julie Willoughby appointed to replace expelled Liz Harris in Arizona House

liz harris arizona house

The lawmaker’s ouster came a day after the House Ethics Committee determined Harris had engaged in “disorderly behavior” in violation of the chamber’s rules. The highlight was a Scottsdale insurance agent who slimed dozens of public officials and private citizens, making preposterous, evidence-free accusations that they all accepted bribes from the Sinaloa drug cartel. Breger in February spoke at a public hearing in front of lawmakers when she, without evidence, accused numerous Republican and Democratic public officials of laundering money for the Sinaloa Drug Cartel through the use of fraudulent mortgage documents. She also accused the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints of being "integral to the laundering activities." During her Feb. 23 presentation at a hearing organized by Harris, Jaqueline Breger accused a swath of politicians from both parties, judges and public officials of taking bribes from a Mexican drug cartel.

Harris’ actions violated House Rule No. 1, which prohibits members from engaging in disorderly behavior, according to the ethics panel, which further concluded that Harris had damaged the institutional integrity of the House. And the panel said even if they believed that Harris did not know of her testimony ahead of time — a contention they rejected — she did nothing during the hearing to stop the nearly 45-minute presentation. Harris had invited Breger, a Scottsdale insurance agent, to speak during a hearing on elections.

The county’s Board of Supervisors instead selected Republican Julie Willoughby to replace her, despite Republican precinct committee members in her legislative district giving Harris the most votes. At the Feb. 23 hearing, Breger claimed that “bribes and infiltration have been used to affect the outcome” of the 2020 and 2022 elections, and she pointed the finger at state officials such as Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs, according to the ethics committee report. The House ethics panel launched an investigation into Harris, prompted by a complaint from a Democratic legislator, after she invited insurance agent Jacqueline Breger to promote a series of unfounded allegations at a televised legislative hearing on elections.

Hoffman was one of the state’s 11 fake electors, or as he is called in the grand jury indictment handed up on Wednesday, a co-conspirator in the plot to overturn Arizona’s — and thus America’s — vote in the 2020 presidential election. This Queen Creek Republican burst into public view in 2020, when he ran an internet troll farm, paying teens to post conservative talking points and baseless conspiracy theories on social media — all aimed at getting then-President Donald Trump reelected. Still, she was one of the Republican Party’s fiercest election deniers, and that was enough to get her elected to the Legislature in 2022, wherein she promptly announced she wouldn’t be voting on any bills until and unless there was a redo of the election.

They also accused De Los Santos of violating rules of decorum and impermissible debate since his shouting of “Shame! The House Ethics Committee unanimously concluded that Harris not only knew what that insurance agent was likely to say during that February hearing but that she actually took steps to hide the details from House leadership. Party officials, during their state convention, elected none other than indicted Sen. Jake Hoffman and expelled Rep. Liz Harris to represent Arizona on the Republican National Committee.

Who might replace Harris? Could she come back to the Legislature?

The precinct committee members will then vote, within five business days, to nominate three qualified candidates to replace the lawmaker. The board of supervisors from the county where the departing lawmaker lives will select the new lawmaker from that group. Specifically, Harris brought a guest to a public hearing who made unvetted accusations that officeholders, Mesa City Council members and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were part of a drug cartel's "bribery" scheme. She also lied to the Ethics Committee about whether she knew her guest would make those accusations, the investigation found. House members expelled Harris on a bipartisan vote of (with one Democrat home sick and not voting).

Her ouster followed a House Ethics Committee investigation that found she committed "disorderly behavior." In the governor’s race last year, Republican Kari Lake repeatedly promoted false claims of election fraud and later failed in a legal battle challenging her loss to Hobbs. Two years earlier, President Donald Trump and his allies pushed election fraud claims in the state, prompting a Republican-led review of ballots in Maricopa County. She’s the first lawmaker to be expelled in Arizona since Rep. Don Shooter was kicked out for sexual misconduct amid the 2018 #MeToo movement. Rep. David Stringer quit the following year after old sex crimes charges came to light that likely would have led to his expulsion. The vote against Harris comes less than a week after Tennessee Republicans voted to expel two black Democrats, a decision that made that state a new front in the battle for the future of American democracy.

Arizona’s Republican-controlled House of Representatives took the rare step on Wednesday of expelling a G.O.P. lawmaker who earlier this year had arranged testimony from a conspiracy theorist falsely accusing top state officials of bribery and other misconduct. The joint elections hearing came after Harris voted against a Republican-led budget plan, and Republican leaders allowed the hearing as a way to get Harris to change her vote on the budget. "Harris engaged in disorderly behavior in violation of House Rule 1, thereby eroding the public trust in the legislative process," the resolution calling for her expulsion read. The committee also determined in 2023 that Rep. Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, D-Tucson, violated the same House rule for hiding Bibles. Former Republican Rep. Liz Harris was found to have violated that rule after she allowed conspiracy testimony to be delivered from a guest speaker during a legislative committee meeting. In full, the ethics panel concluded Harris’ actions violated House Rules and damaged the body’s institutional integrity.

"They knew she was going to go down and do some controversial and inflammatory things, and it's not my place to second-guess the wisdom of the people who put her in office." State Rep. Alex Kolodin, who voted against Harris' expulsion, told NBC News that while Breger's presentation was "improper," he wanted to respect the voters. The Tennessee Legislature last week expelled two Black Democrats, Justin Jones and Justin J. Pearson, for protesting gun violence. The ethics panel stopped short of recommending a specific punishment for Ms. Harris by the House, in which fellow election deniers have wielded significant power and orchestrated a partisan review of the 2020 election results in Arizona. Election deniers have zeroed in on Arizona’s most populous county, Maricopa, where Election Day glitches last fall disrupted some ballot counting.

It needed a minimum of 40 votes, two-thirds of the GOP-controlled House, to pass. Willoughby, an emergency room trauma nurse, teamed up with Harris in campaign ads and events during last year’s election. They had hoped to win both district seats, but Harris and Democratic Rep. Jennifer Pawlik emerged as the top two vote-getters. Harris (Republican Party) ran for election to the Arizona House of Representatives to represent District 13.

After the chair receives that notice, the chair or a designee must inform the precinct committee members in the departing lawmaker's district of the vacancy. Harris was elected by voters in Legislative District 13, which includes much of Chandler and part of Gilbert. “The defamatory allegations that Representative Harris invited her guest speaker to make are patently absurd, but there are many people who believe them. They believe the lies, and they continue to threaten retribution because we dispute them," Cano said. "They believe those lies because a State Representative, Liz Harris, platformed and legitimized them in a televised legislative hearing." Before she was elected to the Legislature, Harris led a door-to-door canvassing effort searching for proof of fraud following the 2020 presidential election. Department of Justice’s civil rights division, which warned about potential voter intimidation.

Then, the Emancipation Proclamation with the order for the army to protect escaped slaves was a historical game changer. President Lincoln (for security and peace of mind) had special housing a few miles away from the White House during the Civil War that I was blessed with the opportunity to visit The Lincoln Cottage during one of my last visits to Washington, DC. His final visit to the Lincoln Cottage was reported to be the day before his assassination on April 14, 1865.

An independent report released on Monday found that heavy paper and longer ballots contributed to those problems. Representative Liz Harris, an election denier who has expressed support for QAnon and has aligned herself with Mike Lindell, the MyPillow founder who has pushed election conspiracy theories, was overwhelmingly removed from office by her colleagues. The expulsion resolution said that Harris “undermined the public’s confidence in this institution and violated the order and decorum necessary to complete the people’s work in the state of Arizona”.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

How to Get Rid of Flies in the House: 11 Quick Solutions

house fly killer

Start with the use of a trap or other fly-killing treatments to deal with the immediate fly problem, then move on to incorporating repellents and natural solutions to keep more flies out. Once you know how to get rid of flies and they are out of your home, start preventative measures to keep them away for good. Flies are also drawn to warmth and light, which is why homes are at such high risk for fly infestations.

Safer Home Indoor Fly Trap

You can also buy sticky papers or strips of various kinds to trap flies. Hung in the air or applied to windows, these products will trap any flies that alight on them. You can also use insecticides outdoors, although flies will still develop resistance to them. Residual pesticides, which remain active for longer than indoor pesticides, can be sprayed around your house. Sticky traps are strips of sticky paper that can be hung or laid down throughout your house. They’re not as effective as other traps, but can be added to help remove infestations.

Pyrethrin-based insecticide

Get rid of flies in the house with cheap Aldi item as shopper hails ‘best purchase of the year’ - Irish Mirror

Get rid of flies in the house with cheap Aldi item as shopper hails ‘best purchase of the year’.

Posted: Sat, 17 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

There are 4 major stages in the life cycle of a typical house fly. At the beginning of the first stage, 150 eggs are laid in a moist environment (like garbage, composite, or manure) where food is available in abundance. For best results, Pyrethrin based insecticides must be sprayed daily on the livestock. But partial pest control can also be achieved by spraying it on every other day.

Causes of House Fly Infestation

The Executioner is also effective in the garden, where you can scrape and shake smaller bugs off plants and onto the electric grid. This method lets you kill harmful pests infesting the plants without using pesticides. You might break a Pic swatter if you try to swat a fly on a sharp corner of a countertop, but the Hope can slap against a sharp corner all day long and come out fine. The leather head is also easier to clean, needing just the occasional wipe from a damp paper towel.

Things You Can Do to Get Flies Out of Your House

If this is an issue in your home, the Kensizer Window Fly Traps are the best fly trap for windows. These transparent sticky traps can be attached directly to the window to catch flies. Keeping pets in your home can keep a lot of bugs and smaller insects away, since they’ll fear whatever pet you’ve enlisted to help you guard your home. Alternatively, plants such as the venus fly trap are extremely efficient bug killers, and could turn out to be your best friend with only minimal upkeep efforts.

house fly killer

Lure them with light.

It comes in an apple-shaped container that can blend into your home decor while it attracts fruit flies through a narrow funnel and into the container's center. We tested the trap in our kitchen and found it extremely easy to use and effective at collecting the pesky flying insects. True to its name, this high-voltage bug zapper lures in flies and kills them instantly. We put this zapper through its paces in our own backyard and were pleasantly surprised by how well it killed flying insects.

We may be compensated if you purchase through links on our website. Our Reviews Team is committed to delivering honest, objective, and independent reviews on home products and services. Once you have confirmed House Fly activity it is time to begin treatment.

Adult flies can live for about a month and during this time they can produce 500 to 2,000 eggs. In terms of efficiency, and the number of flies they can consume, they are certainly not the best but they are the cleanest option as they don’t leave any mess after killing flies. The device also has an insulating guard that prevents people and pets from accidentally touching the conductive surface. Operating the device is also easy – Fill the rifle with table salt, pump the slide action, then take the safety off and you are ready to go hunting. With Bug-A-Salt you can kill flies from several feet and with a bit of practice, you can take out flies in flight too.

Q: What are flies a sign of?

7 Carnivorous plants you can use to catch flies in your home - including Sundew, Venus Fly Trap & Dewy Pine - Yorkshire Evening Post

7 Carnivorous plants you can use to catch flies in your home - including Sundew, Venus Fly Trap & Dewy Pine.

Posted: Sun, 18 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Then, pour something sweet in to the bottom of the bottle to lure in the flies. Next, invert the top of the bottle, rest it inside the bottom portion (seal the edges with tape if needed) and then wait. If it's not attracting houseflies, try adding meat scraps or other old food. Fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) are extremely small (1/10 inch) flying insects that selectively lay their eggs in decaying fruit and certain other food, such as mushrooms.

A housefly has almost 360-degree vision, so it’s best to approach from behind and hover just above before making a fast, decisive flick with your weapon. Flies are one of the few insects that are actively affected by colors, so use a flyswatter in a neutral tone for superior stealth. In common terms, a fly is any insect in the Diptera order that has only a single pair of operating wings. This can include quite a large number of insect species, but the flies that plague our homes in the summertime are usually ordinary houseflies (Musca domestic). This insect can be up to 3/8 inch long with bulging reddish eyes. This creature will spend most of its time flying, and it's quick enough to pose a challenge when you wield a fly-swatter.

Use The Home Depot app to locate products and check inventory on millions of online products. Houseflies are one type of fly in the insect order Diptera, all of which have one set of wings. My adventures with flies began when we shifted to our new house seven years back. My goal on this website is to share everything that I know about flies. Remember, battling flies can be very challenging and time-consuming, but have faith in you and do your best to eradicate each pesky culprit. Please note that in the worst cases you may need to seek some professional help.

We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. While they require you to get up close and personal, they provide a fuss-free way of going about the problem. Some swatters resemble small tennis rackets and others carry a weak electric current that will help to vanquish your hovering foe with a single touch. On the whole, swatters tend to work best when your target is bigger. The This Old House Reviews Team focuses on creating in-depth product and service review content. To date, we’ve published over 1,600 reviews on products in the home space, from fertilizer and pruning shears to patio furniture and snow blowers.

When entering the pupal stage, maggots develop dark, hard outer shells, legs and wings, ultimately emerging as full-grown adult flies. People using fly sprays or insecticides must take care to prevent direct contact with the skin or eyes and avoid inhaling them. Pyrethrin has low toxicity but can irritate the skin or trigger other mild symptoms. There are, however, some residual pesticides that are made from synthetic forms of pyrethrins. It is not a good idea to spray entire walls with this pesticide, but it can be useful for spraying around window and door frames and other openings to kill houseflies as they enter your home. And under no circumstance should you ever use an outdoor pesticide to control flies or other insects in an indoor environment.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

House Plan Collections

architecture building plan design

If the city, town, county or college having jurisdiction conducts the building plan reviews and/or inspections, it is not necessary to request building plan reviews and/or inspections by this Agency. Nonetheless, there is still an incredible collection of round houses around the world to examine. Look at other homes’ frontages to determine different styles, and characteristics of buildings already there, so they can inform your design decisions.

Attention: Architects, Designers, and Building Contractors

Kevin Daly Ar­chi­tects is par­tic­u­larly rec­og­nized for re­claim­ing and trans­form­ing sites char­ac­ter­is­tic of the ur­ban fab­ric, turn­ing generic back­ground build­ings into mod­els of com­mu­nity iden­tity. For 70 years, Steinberg Hart has shaped environments and created inspiring places through and idea-driven, results-oriented approach to design that spans education, arts, residential, urban mixed-use, hospitality, civic and commercial sectors. The firm’s team of architects, designers, planners and sustainability experts share the belief that design can create profound and unexpected connections between people and place. With so many architecture firms to choose from, it’s challenging for clients to identify the industry leaders that will be an ideal fit for their project needs.

architecture building plan design

John Friedman Alice Kimm Architects (JFAK)

For instance, founded in 1972, SCI-Arch is one of the most notable, experimental architecture schools in the world. It combines state-of-the-art technologies with the desire for innovation and a reimagining of architecture as a design practice and world-building. Use the 2D mode to create floor plans and design layouts with furniture and other home items, or switch to 3D to explore and edit your design from any angle. The Main Stay House exists as a straightforward proposal, with paring down the components of a house to a minimal amount of planes and openings, on an urban infill lot. As the floor plan illustrates, the scheme is anchored by a staircase which bifurcates the layout to provide a clear division between the common and private zones of the house.

Modern House Plans

Our house plan Collections page is a great starting point to begin your home plan discovery. With dozens of collections to choose from – use this page to help identify the perfect plan. To help make your search easier, we’ve categorized all of our home plans by architectural style. With our wide selection of home designs, you’ll be able to find multiple plans in almost any style imaginable. Our portfolio is comprised of home plans from designers and architects across North America and abroad. Our family-owned business has a seasoned staff with an unmatched expertise in helping builders and homeowners find house plans that match their needs and budgets.

In areas that are not Tribal Lands, those wishing to obtain a building permit must determine the authority having jurisdiction in the given area of the state where said building is scheduled to be erected. A number of cities will have the authority to enforce the state adopted building codes. Those cities not having such authority fall under the jurisdiction of the State Fire Marshal and must obtain a building permit from this agency.

How A.I. Is Helping Architects Change Workplace Design - The New York Times

How A.I. Is Helping Architects Change Workplace Design.

Posted: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Assess the climatic factors of the space, and determine how sunlight, water level, and the landscape and natural vegetation will look like in each season. These inherent limitations can become opportunities when you spot them early on in your site planning process, and help you when you work on the architectural design plans. It involves heartbreak for both the architect and the client, as they realize what turned out wasn’t what they expected.

You’d be surprised at the amount of changes that come in from the client just when their building is about to be finished, it costs a lot of money, and effort to change something major at that stage. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you treat site planning as a simple requirement, or one of the preliminary tasks on your design checklist you just have to cross for your client. Your client trusts you to do a thorough job for them, and it starts with site planning. Abbie is the Owner of Feather&Fossil and specialises in Maximalist Interior Design schemes for residential clients. Abbie has experience and qualifications in Interior Design and Project Management.

The + signifies an approach that looks at the whole combination of interrelated parts and that architecture is more than drawings and an arrangement of building materials. It includes the process of collaboration with clients, specialist consultants and builders. Whatever side of the line you fall on, we can all agree that Ludwig Mies van der Rohe had an unparalleled impact on architecture and design.

Truss House / Roberto Moita Arquitetos

Your site planning phase helps you figure out how they’re spatially connected to satisfy the brief you received in the first place. For example, if you’re showing the direction of the wind (that most site plans show), but you’re not taking anything away from the finding, it’s a colossal waste of time, effort, and resources. That’s why you show only what is relevant, and take everything you show in your site plan forward to solve problems in your design phase and give a phenomenal user experience to the residents. Site planning encompasses several functions, including urban planning, civil engineering, architecture, and landscape architecture. It blends principles from these professions to bring out a holistic sketch that’ll help you solve any design problems you may encounter in the future when conceptualizing the space. It can be tricky to start, and trickier to navigate the process given there are plenty of moving elements at any given point in time.

"We are the largest landowner in Arlington Heights right now. 326 acres," Warren said. Warren and the Bears have said they are still happy to own the Arlington Park property, and officials there remain optimistic that the team could return to the negotiating table. The team said their investment will cover 70% of the project's funding needs. "They're our team," Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said as he touted the team's decision to return their sights to the city. If plans are DISAPPROVED or REJECTED, you must re-apply and re-submit all documents with full payment of permit fees again for resubmittal. Designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication.

As shown in the floor plan, the long volume of shared family spaces creates a telescopic view to the lake and opens out on the long side to the outdoor pool and terrace. This elevated, 1,500-square-foot house provides a tropical refuge in the heart of Downtown Miami. The house includes 100 feet of uninterrupted glass spanning the full length of both the front and rear façades, with four sets of sliding glass doors that allow the house to be entirely open when desired. The floor plan also incorporates 800 square feet of outdoor living space in the shape of front and back porches, with exterior shuttered doors adding privacy and protection against the elements. The glass pavilion typology and principles of Tropical Modernism offered direction, as well as the Dogtrot style.

In 1983 Hertz founded Syndesis Inc and invented the material manufacturing process of Syndecrete®, the innovative pre-cast lightweight concrete surfacing material. Evolving from a generalist nature of practice to a more specified studio has allowed for a comprehensive understanding of creative problem solving and an opportunity to view design challenges from multiple perspectives. Another common type of home found in this region is the Arts and Crafts bungalow, which first became prominent in the early 20th century. These homes are smaller in size and carry over many of the aesthetics of Craftsman homes, only on a more stripped-down scale. These houses often feature offset porches, simple front lawns, and a single story that spreads out the rooms to maximize space. Start your home search from our house plan Collections page and discover the house plan of your dreams.

CEPT University Foundation Hall, Lecture Hall and Kund / CCBA Designs - ArchDaily

CEPT University Foundation Hall, Lecture Hall and Kund / CCBA Designs.

Posted: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The design features a range of products, from lighting by Kichler to floor and wall products by Arto Brick. The staircase is clad in gray masonry both externally and internally, providing a clear reading of the massing from the all outside angles. The masonry also contrasts an otherwise muted interior atmosphere of smooth, desaturated surfaces. "RoomSketcher is brilliant – the professional quality floor plans I have created have improved our property advertising immensely." The Office of the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal has no control over the fees charged by the authorized third-party building plan review companies and makes no claim concerning their turnaround time.

Selling quality house plans for generations

architecture building plan design

Indeed, its stripped-back design will use only what is necessary, eschewing any finishes or cladding, and leaving even the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems on display. The glass exterior will also be a mixture of clear and opaque glass, offering privacy and reducing glare at key points. Named the Makers' KUbe, the educational facility is being created for the University of Kansas' School of Architecture and Design. Structurally, it will consist of a timber frame, which will be insulated with a hemp-based material and wrapped in glass, lending it a unique look while showing off the natural beauty of the wood.

architecture building plan design

Highgate Primary School / iredale pedersen hook architects

Projects currently accepted and awaiting plan review by the OKSFM may be picked up in person and submitted to an authorized third-party building plan review company for review. The interior will be spread over six floors and will feature an open plan layout to offer flexible class space, encouraging collaboration between students, with a large central staircase offering easy access between them. There will also be 3D-printing facilities and robotic labs installed, plus a cafe. Two bridges on the second floor will connect to nearby buildings, which will be renovated too.

Modern House Plans, Floor Plans, Designs & Layouts

In addition to the many classic and historical designs, California also includes many contemporary homes. These houses can vary noticeably in appearance, though many focus on simple exteriors incorporating a wide range of building materials. Available in both one-story and two-story layouts, these homes bring modern design elements into play by increasing the flow between rooms and incorporating numerous windows. FreelandBuck is a full service architecture design practice formed in 2009 and based in Los Angeles. Partners David and Brennan have over 15 years of experience in architecture and landscape architecture. The firm has exhibited widely and received the 2011 ArchIs Prize for emerging architects from the Los Angeles AIA.

Trancoso House / Estúdio OR+K + TODOS Arquitetura

Once building plans have been approved by an authorized third-party, an application for a building permit, including payment as outlined in the OKSFM fee schedule, must be submitted to the Oklahoma State Fire Marshal. The Shanghai Transaction Succeed Office, designed by One House Design, reimagines office space with a focus on combining multiple functional areas. The design explores the combination and interaction of multiple spaces by excavating the distinctive features of the company, and by extracting, breaking down, and developing from the elements of its logo. Repeating organic forms, undulating silhouettes, and multi-dimensional mapping overlap create a fluid space that mimics a wormhole. The project integrates exhibition, office, banquet, and recreational activity areas, presenting a unique encounter between people and space. This means you borrow genius ideas from buildings that have been successfully built and used for a long time and apply them wherever applicable to the design at hand.

Since its founding, Assembledge+ has been pursuing an architecture driven by a commitment to collaboration and craftsmanship to create enduring environments that are user-focused, innovative, and sustainable. Each of these metrics is explained in more detail at the foot of this article. This ranking list will be updated annually, taking into account new achievements of Los Angeles architecture firms throughout the year. Los Angeles is arguably regarded as the capital of the film and television industry. The sprawling city is the epicenter of theatricality and luxury of the Western world.

Aria Residential Building / Pargar Architecture and Design Studio - ArchDaily

Aria Residential Building / Pargar Architecture and Design Studio.

Posted: Sat, 01 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Buffer zones, sound-absorbing materials, and building orientation can mitigate noise impacts. Start curating your site plan, and sign up for Foyr Neo’s 14-day free trial today. Given that your client’s property, location, and attributes are unique, how do you pick the most important elements and showcase them for your client? You do it out by visualizing the site in all its glory, recreating it digitally, and ruling out elements that don’t fit in. An accurate and complete site plan will help authorities review your proposal and better ensure a permit can be issued properly. Use interactive and immersive media in the site planning process – use as much as sketches, diagrams, videos, audio, photos, etc.

House K / Dietrich Untertrifaller Architekten

Founded in 1994 by Lorcan O’Herlihy, FAIA, LOHA is an award-winning architecture and urban design firm of twenty-five talented designers, with offices in Los Angeles and Detroit. Collectively and collaboratively, driven by O’Herlihy, passion and creative vision, we have built a robust portfolio of work that is rooted in embracing architecture’s role as a catalyst for change. With a conscious understanding that architecture operates within a layered context of political, developmental, environmental, and social structures, LOHA seeks to elevate the human condition via the built environment. We work with a diverse group of stakeholders to deliver work ranging from art galleries, bus shelters, and large-scale neighborhood plans, to large mixed-use developments, supportive housing and university residential complexes. Asap/ is a collaborative design practice founded in 2011 and based in Los Angeles, with a second office in Buffalo, New York, USA.

The work of David Hertz Architects Inc, Studio of Environmental Architecture (SEA), focuses on designing and constructing environmentally responsible residential and commercial buildings. SEA engages in multiple facets of design, including product design, furniture design, public sculpture, environmental consulting, and the research and development of resource-efficient ecologic building products. Below you will find the 50 most-visited residential projects featured on ArchDaily during 2021. This selection represents the best content created and shared by the ArchDaily community over the past 11 months. Edit colors, patterns and materials to create unique furniture, walls, floors and more - even adjust item sizes to find the perfect fit. In order to celebrate these achievements and thank our users for actively participating in our community, our Curatorial Team proudly shares the 100 most visited projects of 2021.

Researching UCLA Campus Buildings

Set on a spectacular but periodically wind-swept site, the C-Glass House opens to a panoramic view of Tomales Bay and the open ocean, while bracing against winds that approach 100mph from multiple directions. The initial Marin Green Home rating on this project exceeds their Platinum level. The design engages not only Philip Johnson’s Glass House and the Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe, but also the California legacies of Elwood, Koenig and others. The C-Glass House bridged between these ambitions in a new way, opening up to a panoramic vista but also modulating and reflecting back on architecture’s evolving role in the American landscape. Jim Olson’s reverence for nature and admiration of the site’s beauty is expressed in the design of this project located on Puget Sound and nestled amidst the towering fir trees of an ancient forest. What began as a 14-foot-square bunk house built in 1959 has morphed through subsequent remodels in 1981, 1997, 2003 and 2014 into a modest yet highly livable weekend retreat.

Our design team can make changes to any plan, big or small, to make it perfect for your needs. Our Cost-to-Build Reports will get you the cost to build a specific house design in a specific zip code. The Bears' plans have also faced increased scrutiny amid a separate push from the Chicago White Sox to secure public funding for a stadium project in the South Loop. According to a recent Crain's report, the teams have been told that there is little appetite on the part of lawmakers to approve separate financing plans for stadiums, and urged the two teams to work together. The design uses minimalist approaches in the general manager’s office, emphasizing simplicity. The adjacent reception area provides a casual setting for social interaction, where a harmonious ensemble of shapes, colors, and textures is conveyed with a sense of volume, fluidity, and enveloping comfort.

The house blends further into its surroundings through its low lying proportions, green roofs and strong horizontal planes. Whether or not you’re a fan of the details, Miesian design continues to influence contemporary architecture. The following set of projects have layouts and aesthetics that echo some of Ludwig’s most famous works, from the Farnsworth House and Barcelona Pavilion to the National Gallery in Berlin. Embracing minimal structure, as well as open, free-flowing spaces, the projects are drawn from across the United States and share a common organization. Each residence channels a spirit of simplicity to define new ways of living today. We understand that choosing a house plan to build from is a big decision and can be a daunting task.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Best Cruises from Tampa to Key West

cruise to florida keys

The island is home to stunning beaches and world-class golf courses, as well as beautiful parks to that are a paradise to those who relish the outdoors. After a day of adventure, dine at one of the elegant waterfront restaurants or peruse the artsy boutiques and designer outlets, before heading back to the ship. If you're looking for the perfect Mexican getaway with incredible diving and snorkeling, look no further than Cozumel. Visit the island’s more remote and wild east side to find breathtaking and secluded beaches like Punta Morena and Chen Rio.

Beach Club at Bimini

Even with limited time in Key West, it’s tradition to cut into a huge slice of key lime pie while you’re there. They offer a lunch menu as well, but the key lime is literally their namesake. Try a slice of key lime pie on a stick dipped in chocolate for a really adventurous, decadent take on a classic. Cruise from vibrant Miami to Key West for a day spent splashing around in the cerulean waters or exploring the lively downtown scene.

Transportation in Key West

cruise to florida keys

We’re making waves from the Caribbean to the Med, the Adriatic to the Red, and everywhere in between across 4 continents. Join us on an unparalleled journey of relaxation and indulgence, and discover the things — and the people — that make each destination so special. Get a delicious taste of the modern romance of sailing that only a Virgin brand could pull off. From beach bonfires to private cabanas and floaty pool parties — all in a resort-like experience where you can actually let your salty hair down. Escape on a delightful Caribbean vacation on one of our cruises from Tampa to Key West.

THE 16 BEST Norwegian (NCL) Cruises to Key West (with Prices) on Cruise Critic - Cruise Critic

THE 16 BEST Norwegian (NCL) Cruises to Key West (with Prices) on Cruise Critic.

Posted: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 09:59:56 GMT [source]

Cruises from Fort Lauderdale to Key West

They put an exciting spin on meatloaf and stuffed baked oysters, and offer mains like yellowtail snapper and crispy duck. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

Take time to snorkel, dive, and fish, walk the beach, and eat lots and lots of seafood and Key lime pie. And don't worry if you don't get to everything that there is to love and explore in the Florida Keys — you'll be back. Grand Cayman is famed for the vast expanse of Seven Mile Beach, but there are plenty more reasons to visit. Interact with wild stingrays or snorkel over the wreck of the USS Kittiwake, now colonized by dazzling corals and tropical fish. Take a trip to Hell, a stretch of jagged black limestone formations that could indeed resemble the underworld.

Cruises to Key West, Florida are one of the most popular ways to see this walkable, immersive city. It’s easy to feel at home in Key West among swaying palms and small fishing boats glittering off the harbor. Once mostly cut off from the rest of the world, it has persevered through countless hurricanes.

Located at the southernmost tip of the United States, this cool little island hideaway is closer to Havana, Cuba, than it is to Miami. Visit two of Key West's best attractions, the Key West Shipwreck Treasures Museum and the Key West Aquarium. Developed by the world’s most-talked-about producers and artists, you have a ticket to all of our awe-inspiring shows. Browse, post, and stay connected with wifi — whenever you want, and wherever you are on the ship. Pre-upload your travel docs to the Virgin Voyages app, get Ready to Sail before leaving home, and make boarding a (sea)breeze in just a few minutes.

The Virgin Voyages Experience

Walk through underwater glass tunnels as you observe sharks circling overhead at Predator Lagoon on Paradise Island. Shop for hand-woven traditional hats and baskets at the Nassau Straw Market. Climb up the steep stone steps of the Queen’s Staircase and through the thickly forested tropical vegetation to reach the 18th-century Fort Fincastle. Swim in the warm, serene, turquoise waters of Cable Beach before heading back to your ship. In Key West, take in the scene with a traditional rum runner cocktail on Duval Street.

Soon after, he read a proclamation at Mallory Square declaring the Keys no longer a part of the U.S. and demanding $1 million in foreign aid. In the hours leading up to dusk, head to Mallory Square and watch as it comes to life with acrobats, dancers and performers. Cruises that stop in Key West help the world become familiar with the city’s culture and history. Key West became a Spanish territory, then called Cayo Hueso, in the 16th century. The British claimed ownership of Florida in the 18th century, expelling Native Americans and the Spanish from the area.

Hop on the world-famous Conch Train to get a lesson in Key West history and hear local legends while touring Old Town and some of the island’s most iconic landmarks. Lowest pricing is based on our 3rd party pricing supplier and valid as of April 21st, 2024. Furthermore, Cruise Critic makes no guarantees for availability of prices advertised on our site. Key West isn’t as famous for its beaches as it is for other activities, but you can still lay down a beach towel and read a book at Smathers Beach. You’ll find this half-mile stretch of white sand is the largest public beach in Key West. If you have time, drive less than an hour northeast to Bahia Honda for the kind of Florida beach experience the state is famous for.

American Cruise Lines christens American Glory in Florida - American Cruise Lines - Cruise and Ferry

American Cruise Lines christens American Glory in Florida - American Cruise Lines.

Posted: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Credit cards like VISA and MasterCard are accepted most places as well. You can climb to the top of The Lighthouse and Keeper’s Quarters Museum for panoramic views of colorful beach homes, signature Florida greenery, and the waters of the Gulf of Mexico unfolding below you. Stop in after your visit to the Hemingway House; the museum is just around the corner. No Caribbean cruise is quite complete without experiencing Key West’s day-and-night bustle.

The park is also home to the 19th century Fort Jefferson, Fort Jefferson, was once used as a prison during the Civil War. Popular bars, T-shirt and souvenir shops and art galleries line both sides of the street and can be found from the 200 block to the end near Mallory Square. Although there is an open-container law in Key West prohibiting alcohol on public streets, it isn't largely enforced on visitors along the 100 and 200 blocks of Duval. Key West is an island, or Key, that is just two miles long by four miles wide, so all the essentials are near the docks -- bars, restaurants, shopping, scuba diving and beach-going. Mallory Square, on the waterfront near the docks, has restaurants, shops and public restrooms. For any cruises listed, Cruise Critic does not guarantee any specific rates or prices.

Tapas, tostones, plantains, and traditional Cuban sandwiches are all available here. For dessert, indulge in the coconut flan, then catch the sunset from the outdoor seating overlooking Mallory Square. Even in December, the forest and plants at this botanical garden in Key West retain their leaves and lush palms. The Garden describes themselves as “frost-free,” a benefit of the tropical climate. Bring the kids for an educational tour on the native plants, and don’t miss the butterfly garden. Damage from Hurricane Irma in 2017 affected the plant life, but passionate employees are working tirelessly to bring the garden back to peak  fullness.

THE 25 BEST Cruises to Key West, FL 2024 with Prices Key West Cruise Port Terminal on Cruise Critic

cruise to florida keys

Home to a thriving artist community, enjoy open-air art shows and explore innovative galleries tucked throughout the city. Stroll along the palm-lined, harbor-front park for the chance to hear the spontaneous jam of local musicians who have been known to serenade the sunset. Surrounding the city are maritime and costal habitats, which support over 600 species of birds, fish, and marine wildlife. Flanked by nearly 100 miles of islands, bays, and estuaries that will never be developed, Marco Island is the largest of the Ten Thousand Islands, located at southern tip of Florida's Paradise Coast.

The Virgin Voyages Experience

cruise to florida keys

Discover vibrant marine wildlife during a snorkeling excursion or go on a kayaking trip around maze-like mangroves, where you’ll see stingrays, crabs, and other tropical fish. Key West cruise ship passengers, who number some 820,000 a year among the island's 3 million visitors, disembark at Mallory Square, a Navy pier near the Westin Resort. But the island city is a breeze to explore by walking, bike, scooter or even pedicab. Famous residents have included Pulitzer Prize-winner Ernest Hemingway, whose home on Simonton Street is now a museum where six-toed cats roam the grounds, pool and living quarters. Key West was also a home away from home for President Harry Truman, whose one-time respite from Washington, D.C., is the "Little White House," a museum by the waterfront. Cruises to Key West are packed with coastal-town energy and layers of American history just waiting to be discovered.

Key West Rum and Cigar Tasting Tour

During days at sea, unwind by the sparkling pool on board, or indulge in a relaxing spa treatment. You can catch all kinds of exotic fish in Key West’s tropical waters, so it’s no surprise that much of the local cuisine centers on fresh seafood. Be sure to try some conch fritters and the iconic key lime pie, of course. When it comes to bars, you’ll find no shortage along lively Duval Street. Stop in sunny Key West, a quirky city with a lively downtown and pristine coral reefs.

Set sail the Virgin way and find a new approach to cruise vacations. Select this special itinerary and let's sail.

Visit the historic home of Ernest Hemingway and the beautiful Butterfly and Nature Conservatory. Enjoy the comfort, relaxation, and world-class service that you get on each and every luxury cruise with Celebrity. The move to secede was short-lived but remains a point of pride for Key Westers, who still fly the blue "Conch Republic" flag in the subtropical heat and ocean breezes.

American Glory is named in Key West festivities at Mallory Square - Seatrade Cruise News

American Glory is named in Key West festivities at Mallory Square.

Posted: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

For a sightseeing tour you’ll never forget, take the Conch Tour Train, which has been showing tourists around town since 1958. Key West comes alive along the main drag of Duval Street, akin to New Orleans’ famous Bourbon Street. When the workday ends (or a little before), stop in for a drink at Rick’s Bar or Sloppy Joe’s and find live music along the way. Pub crawls down Duval are famous here, giving travelers a true sense of how fun the Key West nightlife can be. Just the right amount of kitsch, Key West bursts with sunlight, boasts year-round tropical weather, and some of the clearest snorkeling and most preserved coral reef structures in the world.

Little Palm Island Resort & SpaArrow

Key West was first settled in 1822 and by 1886 had become America's richest city per capita. Compact, cozy and adorable, the city's Old Town neighborhood is filled with cottages with gingerbread-topped porches, Victorian compounds, sidewalk cafes, cigar stands and T-shirt shops. Residential throughout, every sign, window and awning in Old Town must pass scrutiny of the city-appointed Historic Architectural Review Commission. Key West, the southernmost city in the continental U.S., is the last in a chain of tiny tropical islands -- the Florida Keys -- scattered off the mainland. Dubbed the "Conch Republic," Key West is a very popular destination on Western Caribbean itineraries -- and is easily one of the funkiest and fascinating ports of call in all of cruising. Key West’s official currency is the U.S. dollar (USD), and ATMs are widely available.

Select from a variety of well-curated excursions, including the Key West Old Town Literary Walking Exploration or the Private Ghost Tour at Fort East Martello. In the evening, venture to the world-famous Duval Street, to enjoy a meal, listen to live music, or pick up a souvenir to take home. Start your cruise in St. Petersburg, which glimmers between the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay. The city is not only known for its warm weather, but also for having the most consecutive days of sunshine.

Uniting the energy of Miami with nautical nods to the history of sailing, we’re infusing our own terminal with the same incredible ethos as our ships. From captivating coasts to laid-back island vibes, the exclusively adult cruise vacation of your dreams is here. For a seamless travel experience, we are offering our guests a brand new Tampa Pre-Cruise Package. A haven for artists and sunset-seekers alike, the only poetic rival to the writers who called Key West home is the geography itself.

5 Day Cruises to Key West

Catch a Key West sunset from Mallory Square, a waterfront plaza facing the Gulf of Mexico. Mallory Square is the site of a long-running tradition to watch the sunset. Gather among locals and fellow tourists, musicians, and food vendors for a taste of Key West culture.

If you have enough time, book a catamaran 70 miles west for a day trip to the one-of-a-kind Dry Tortugas National Park, home to the historic Fort Jefferson. Spend a full day exploring the best of St. Petersburg, including the numerous art museums and beautiful botanical gardens. Drive south from Miami and you’ll discover an intriguing collection of islands strung together like a shell necklace. Each Florida Key has its own personality, so whether you lean more rugged, refined, or raucous, there is one to match your mood.

If you’re looking for art galleries and clothing boutiques, head to Duval Street. While on cruises to Key West, Florida, you’ll find no shortage of souvenir shacks, roadside t-shirt vendors, and Florida-related memorabilia celebrating and embracing Key West’s quirkiness. Head to Duval Street for the majority of shops, independently-owned boutiques, and galleries in the city. Or shop at Mallory Square for interesting goods like sandal and surf shops or markets for seashells and sea sponges.

cruise to florida keys

Cruise ships usually dock at either Pier B, near the Truman Annex, or the Navy-owned Outer Mole pier, near Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. If docked at the latter, a tourist trolley shuttles you off the base into town. Also, the Key West Police Department reports are filled with lost-and-found property reports from visitors. Keep an eye on your belongings while you're downing a rum drink or frosty brew, or while singing along with the whole bar to a Jimmy Buffett or Kenney Chesney classic. While federal agents were trying to stymie drug smugglers, Keys residents decried the roadblock as a tourism disaster as well as disrespectful to its people. But Key West's mayor and his supporters failed to sway a federal court in Miami to lift the roadblock.

Carnival Cruise Line sets its sights on new Bahamas port of call

carneval cruise

Most Carnival ships have self-serve launderettes on cabin decks with washing machines, dryers, irons and ironing boards. The launderettes also have vending machines that dispense small boxes of detergent and water softener at $1.50 per box. Carnival adds an automatic service gratuity of $16 to $18 per person, per day to final bills, depending on the cabin category (children under the age of 2 are exempt). If you are unhappy with the service you receive, you can adjust this amount at the Guest Services desk before disembarking. Also, an 18% gratuity is added to bar bills and the cover charge of the Chef's Table.

Carnival Mardi Gras

carneval cruise

Breakfast is offered there each morning, and snacks and drinks — including free soda — are provided throughout the day. Cabins in the Family Harbor category feature a nautical theme, plenty of storage and space to sleep at least four people. Carnival specializes in fun, laid-back, family-friendly cruises. With few exceptions, Carnival sails exclusively from North American homeports and offers some of the lowest pricing in the industry, particularly on short three- and four-night Carnival Caribbean cruises. During my recent sailing, I found all the Carnival classics, like the Alchemy Bar and Guy’s Burger Joint, a thrilling ropes course, dive-in movies, and plenty of themed deck parties.

How to Find Your Own Cruise Deal on Carnival

That’s because here, in The Gateway zone, “international flavor” isn’t just an expression, but a way of life! Design, décor, cuisine and even the entertainment is inspired by grand locations, landmarks from around the world. But every moment is a special occasion thanks to onboard spots that are proud to import their flavor from all over. And don’t miss your chance to sip a little cocktail magic at returning fan-favorite Alchemy Bar®. Carnival Conquest is one of the line's oldest ships, but it's also a ton of fun.

Carnival Celebration

On that note there’s Bar 820 for tropical cocktails and Cuban coffee, plus Deco Deli serving up a selection of classic sandwiches… Cuban faves included. And while Miami isn’t quite known as a pizza town, we don’t think you’ll mind that we’re serving up the cheesy stuff until 4 a.m. (Roll up your sleeves and dig in!) And like any cosmopolitan center, dining quality and variety counts big. That’s why you’ll find Cucina del Capitano and Rudi’s Seagrill restaurants in the neighborhood. Grand Central is designed to make an impression… and that’s good because it’s going to be your first one!

Guy's Pig & Anchor Smokehouse Brewhouse

Carnival also offers dedicated tween and teen programs on ships for children aged 12 to 17. The younger children in this age range (12-14) are grouped into what's known as Circle C and have their own dedicated lounge on ships. It's a place to get together to talk, watch movies, play video games and take part in other activities. Each group has its own age-appropriate activities ranging from face painting to pirate adventures. On many ships there are extensive dedicated spaces for the different groups.

Carnival Cruise Line shares key onboard rule it can't change - TheStreet

Carnival Cruise Line shares key onboard rule it can't change.

Posted: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 17:06:31 GMT [source]

With plenty of routes from the U.S. and international destinations, countless member benefits and a wide selection of cabins to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect cruise for you. When you choose to apply (and are approved) for a new credit card through our site, we may receive compensation from our partners, and this may impact how or where these products appear. Please view our advertising policy and product review methodology for more information. Carnival ships are all about fun, in a lively, let's-not-take-this-too-seriously sort of way. That said, given the complexity of booking a cruise — there are a lot of decisions to make during the booking process; trust us — we recommend you use a seasoned travel agent who specializes in cruises.

The ship debuted the restaurant Cucina del Capitano, which is now onboard multiple ships in the fleet. I sailed the Carnival Magic years ago, but I vividly remember spending an entire day enjoying the amenities at the Cloud 9 Spa and eating at the Mongolian Wok quick-service restaurant almost every afternoon for lunch. Carnival Sunrise  (formerly Carnival Triumph) features an exciting splash zone for kids and a piano bar where adults can sing along to their favorite songs all night.

Since your huge Suite on Carnival Jubilee™ affords you VIP status, you're in the priority line when getting on and off the ship… plus Suites come with exclusive perks! Here’s the most affordable way to experience Carnival Jubilee™, without cutting even a single corner in the comfort department. And staterooms aboard Carnival Jubilee™ are packed with innovative changes to both. At Cucina del Capitano® on Carnival Jubilee™, who you’ve got gathered around the table is truly as important as what’s being served there. At our table you’ll enjoy delicious Italian favorites — we serve them family-style because we know that sharing large plates and sharing tales of your day’s adventures goes hand-in-hand. Speaking of which, our walls are adorned with old snapshots from our officers’ family albums, proving that the rustic Italian-farmhouse atmosphere definitely isn’t for show.

Grand Cayman

Every Carnival ship has a casino, usually smack in the middle of the main entertainment deck. Carnival is also well known for the Punchliner Comedy Clubs on its ships, which draw quality comedians and can get a little raucous late at night with adult-only performances. In general, the production shows aren't nearly as sophisticated — or as long — as what you'll find on Royal Caribbean or Norwegian ships. Every vessel has two main dining rooms and a casual buffet eatery where meals are included in the fare. For dinner in the main dining room, you must sign up for either Your Time dining (you go whenever you want) or Traditional Dining (you have a fixed table and time for dinner). Carnival draws a lively, outgoing crowd looking to be part of the action.

In Grand Central you're never far from cups of comfort at JavaBlue™ Café, great dining spots like Bonsai Sushi™ and Bonsai Teppanyaki™, plus feel-good entertainment like Piano Bar 88™ and The Punchliner Comedy Club™. Meanwhile, for passengers hoping for quiet time away from the kids, many Carnival ships also have an adults-only Serenity retreat area on their top decks with padded loungers, daybeds, hot tubs and often a bar. Cruise Critic is not a booking agent and does not charge any service fees to users of our site.

carneval cruise

If you want inexpensive but also want to cruise more than three or four nights, this is the least expensive 7-night cruise we found for all of 2024. The cruise aboard Carnival Magic departs Miami, headed to the eastern Caribbean. The cruise line is well-known for offering a lot of value, specifically with cruise fares that are generally lower than the competition.

Carnival is one of the world's biggest cruise lines by passenger capacity, with 25 ships that together offer nearly 80,000 berths. Entertainment, at times, is as lowbrow as the line is low-cost. This is, after all, the brand that for many years held a Hairy Chest Contest around the pool deck on every voyage, to a standing-room-only, hooting and hollering crowd. For any cruises listed, Cruise Critic does not guarantee any specific rates or prices. On "elegant" nights, you'll see a range of clothing from ball gowns, dresses that leave little to the imagination, tuxes and suits to the same shorts and tees people sport all day long. Most men, however, opt for long pants and collared shirts, while women don sundresses, or a skirt or pants with a blouse.

Short sailings also tend to draw a more fun-loving, social crowd. So, if your goal is to mingle and potentially meet other solo cruisers, you stand a good chance on Carnival Sunrise. Carnival Cruise Line offers many budget-friendly sailings, many of which are designed with families in mind. Especially if you want to cruise to and around the Caribbean, Carnival is possibly the cruise line for you.

Carnival Elation is currently the fleet's oldest ship, debuting in March 1998, and the only cruise ship from any cruise line that sails from Jacksonville, Florida. Even though the ship is small, with a total guest capacity of 2,606, it’s ideal for a quick weekend away if you want a mix of relaxation and high-energy activities. I've sailed the most on Carnival Elation since the ship sails from my hometown of Jacksonville. And because the ship is so small, it's easy to navigate, and I always end up making friends with the delightful crew onboard. In addition to a comedy club and an onboard spa, the ship also offers an adults-only sun deck, several bars and lounges, and plenty of dining options and daily activities to stave off boredom on longer voyages.

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